An instructor’s favorite student activities from Teaching StatisticsThere are decades worth of teaching examples and example activities found in the book Teaching Statistics.Dec 28, 2021Dec 28, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveDesigning Simple Websites with Postcards in RHaving a simple website that showcases your current projects and internet presence is a must for anyone in the data science community.Jul 15, 2021Jul 15, 2021
Six Business Books That Can Make Academics More ProductiveAny academic from graduate student to tenured professor can benefit from the ideas in these books.Mar 5, 2021Mar 5, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveTransitioning an in-person statistics class to onlineAn instructor reflects on transitioning a statistics class to an asynchronous online class.Dec 27, 2020Dec 27, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveMapping the Rockefeller Center tree with ggplot2 in RUse these mapping tools with your ggplot code in R to see how far “the tree” travels to get to Rockefeller Center.Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
How to get admitted into a graduate program in forestrySo you have an interest in the forestry profession and are considering a graduate degree. There are a number of benefits and rewards for…Sep 3, 2020Sep 3, 2020
How to do a weekly review as an academicMade popular in the world of business, the weekly review can boost any academic’s productivity.Aug 13, 2020Aug 13, 2020